Olive oil soap, pickles and muqadda...
Olive oil soap, pickles and muqaddas (pickled eggplant)
Since 2009, RWDS has formed and continues to work with 6 women's cooperatives in the West Bank that manufacture products that are marketed under the name Hakoura ("Home Garden"). Supporting the growth of these cooperatives and increasing their market access is a key component of our economic empowerment program and our projects with Drosos and Oxfam Novib.
RWDS has also built an economic unit in our home office to grow this business in a continuous manner.
Click here to view cooperative products
Olive oil soap, pickles and muqaddas (pickled eggplant)
Freekeh (roasted green wheat), bulgur and mushroom salad
RWDS products are projects that we support and monitor
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Masyoun, Ramallah, Palestine
Sabat Building, Edward Said St.
+972 2 2964585/6
02 - 2964585/6
Mo- Th: 9AM to 4PM
Sa: 9AM to 4PM
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